Globally, IEPs (Individualised Education Plans) are used very frequently especially in countries like the USA, Canada, Australia and certain countries in Europe. The framework of IEP more or less remains the same, with different sections highlighting the various aspects required for the all round development of the student. Here today, in this article we will take a look at different IEP examples and our top picks for creating an all inclusive IEP plan for your child’s future benefits and needs!
Click on the samples to open up the links and read more about IEPs individually!
1. Pennsylvania State Individualised Education Plan (IEP)
The state of Pennsylvania does a brilliant job by following a well-explained coherent IEP format which is self explanatory and easy to use for teachers and parents alike. This elaborate 14 page detailed plan takes into account SMART goal planning and takes into account future living goals and independent life goals which shows a good transitory approach from school into the real world. This was one of the reasons why this plan stood out exceptionally for us.
Additional support programs and services are included in this plan as well which shows a well rounded holistic approach for the child. This IEP used by Pennsylvania is one of Reservoir’s top recommendations and we highly encourage you to take a look at it and follow it for all further purposes.
2. Massachusetts DESE/Individualized Education Programs
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has put together a well-categorised concise IEP which takes into account the different aspects of a child’s life during his/her school years. What we really valued about this plan is the consideration of all parts of a child’s life (eg: transportation services during school) and how well-segregated the different parts of the form are.
It makes it really easy for a new user like me, or a new parent to understand the model of planning being followed and discuss the same with the therapist or the special educator keeping the child’s long-term and short-term goals in mind. This plan could be a good framework to start off with and we 100% recommend you to take a look at it and use it as a guideline to build a more in-depth approach towards formulating an IEP.
(Click on the Individualized Education Program under IEP forms to access this document)
3. Lookout Centre- Australia IEP
The Australian organisation Lookout Centre in collaboration with Victoria State Government has collated a comprehensive IEP which broadly identifies the goals of the child in sync with the special educator and therapists involved. One of the key components that stood out in this IEP is the weightage they have given to the student’s perspectives at the end, wherein the student is expected to fill in their experiences at school. The cultural and cognitive areas of concern are also looked into briefly which makes this IEP an exception. We would definitely recommend this as one of our top picks for use to make the framework for starting out with a plan for better inclusion into the classroom environment.
Provision of educational resources like school uniforms, textbooks, laptops are also included in this plan which shows the holistic approach that the IEP team has put in place to plan this format out. We 10/10 recommend using this IEP plan to understand how the basics work out!
These were our top 3 picks of templates for formulating effective IEPs which help in making the educational environment more inclusive and aware of children with special needs. We hope that this 4 part IEP series has been beneficial for you and you have learned something new by browsing through these articles! Check out our other IEP blogs if you haven’t already and do drop in a comment if you would like to read or learn more about any particular topic!
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